“Rudrangi”, the latest film starring Jagapathi Babu in the lead role, was released on OTT on Tuesday. The film is streaming on Amazon Prime now. The movie was released directly on Amazon Prime Video without any prior information from the makers. The film, which is set in a period backdrop, was released in theaters on July 7. Within three weeks, it is now available for streaming on OTT. This is a usual process for small films to be released in OTT from 3,4 weeks of theatrical release.
Along with Jagapathi Babu, Vimala Raman and Mamatha Mohandas played key roles in the film. Telangana MLA Rasamayi Balakishan was the producer of “Rudrangi”. The film is directed by Ajay Samrat.
Harish Rao, Balakrishna and many other political and film personalities participated in the promotions of the film. But due to the lack of freshness in the story, Rudrangi could not meet the expectations of the audiences and became a failure at the box office.
Jagapathi Babu played the role of Bheemrao Deshmukh in the film. He has two wives, Mirabai (Vimala Raman) and Jwala Bai (Mata Mohandas). One day, Bhimrao sees a girl named Rudrangi in the forest. He lusts on her and wants her in his bed at any cost.
What steps did Bhimrao make to own Rudrangi? Who is Mallesh (Ashish Gandhi) and why did he fight against Bhim Rao? The rest of the story answers the questions, and it also shows the relation between Rudrangi and Mallesh. Director Ajay Samrat has made the film in the periodic Telangana backdrop. Ajay Samrat earlier had worked as one of the writers for Baahubali.