Megastar Chiranjeevi has his hands full with projects currently. After Acharya, Chiranjeevi will be seen in the Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer’s remake. Lucifer starred Mohanlal and Chiranjeevi will be reprising the ‘complete actor’s ‘ role in the remake which has been titled Godfather. This will be directed by Mohan Raja who has been tasked with finishing the project in not more than 4 months.
Post Godfather, Chiru will be seen in Bhola Shankar directed by Meher Ramesh. This project is also a remake of Ajith’s 2015 superhit Vedalam. Vedalam will feature Keerthi Suresh as Chiranjeevi’s sister and the story will revolve around the siblings.
Megastar Chiranjeevi also has Bobby’s film Chiru154 lined up next. This film is an original story and the first look poster was revealed recently by the makers on Chiranjeevi’s birthday.
After these two remakes, now we are hearing that Megastar will be working on another remake. The movie that he has chosen in Ajith’s Yennai Arindhaal. The film featured Ajith and Trisha and Megastar reportedly loved the characterization of Ajith as a powerful police officer. He is keen in reprising the same in Telugu as well.
Incidentally, the movie has already been dubbed in Telugu as Yenthavaadu Gaani. Chiranjeevi is keen on finishing these projects in 4-5 months and has clearly informed all the directors to not take much time.