Sree Leela, one of the most active actresses in the Telugu film industry, has been tirelessly working, even taking double shifts to accommodate the shooting schedules of two films simultaneously. However, she seems to have missed on selecting good scripts, and it looks like she is following the wrong path like Krithi Shetty.
In her debut film, “PelliSandaD,” Sree Leela managed to attract audiences with her glamour in a notable manner. In her subsequent project, Raviteja’s “Dhamaka,” she mesmerized with her dancing skills and energy levels. In Tollywood if one film becomes a blockbuster, then the actress will be flooded with multiple offers and accordingly, Sree Leela also got continuous offers.
But the actresses should not make wrong steps in that time by selecting all the films that they receive. After a blockbuster debut like Uppena actress Krithi Shetty signed multiple films but all her next films had become disasters because of not so strong content even she did not get the best characterizations in those movies as well.
The continuous failures affected Krithi Shetty’s a lot in her career. Similarly, after back to back successes like Pelli SandaD, Dhamaka Sree Leela does the same by signing multiple films Skanda her latest film has been released and now it’s not doing well at the box office. Sree Leela’s characterization also did not get any appreciation and many felt her character was very poorly written and if the same trend continues in other films as well, as her career will be definitely affected like Krithi Shetty.