Industry awaits the response to Rajasekhar’s cameo in Extra Ordinary Man. Film buffs were astonished when the makers of Nithin’s Extra Ordinary Man announced that Angry Young Man Rajasekhar would be playing a cameo in the movie. The industry circles were excited about this news as they could collaborate with Rajasekhar in other films.
The directors, heroes, and producers always want fresh combinations for the hero and the heroine pairs, and the same goes for the hero and the main villain or some crucial characters in the film. Many people tried to put Rajasekhar in their movies, but the attempts did not work, finally, he agreed to play a cameo in Extra Ordinary Man, and the industry is awaiting how the audience will receive him.
If his cameo works well, definitely Rajasekhar will get big offers from other filmmakers. He is a fantastic actor and highly suitable for intense and angry roles, which will become the main asset for an actor who plays villain roles. That is why the industry awaits a response to Rajasekhar’s cameo in Extra Ordinary Man.
Nithin about Rajasekhar:
“Rajasekhar Garu will be present for 30 minutes during the film’s second half. The comedy will be present in all the scenes that involve him. He has been playing intense roles for many years, but in Extra Ordinary Man, he did the opposite. Rajasekhar Garu doing this role will greatly help us.” said Nithin, in a latest interview.