Tollywood Director Gopichand Malineni has officially announced his Bollywood entry. The director has brought on board Veteran Bollywood Actor, Sunny Deol for the lead role for this film. Mythri Movie Makers and People’s Media Factory will produce this film and Thaman will be the music composer. The film, tentatively titled, #SDGM is poised to be India’s biggest action film as quoted by the Actor on his official X/Twitter account.
Sunny Deol is currently riding high with the success of Gadar 2, the sequel to Blockbuster Gadar. Initially, this film was planned with Ravi Teja but due to budget issues, the film is now said to be planned with Sunny Deol. Well, this is surely a great opportunity for Sunny Deol. He will continue his journey after a long break as a lead actor.
However, more details about the film haven’t come out. We need to see if the team goes ahead making it a bi-lingual or not. All the crew working for the film are mostly Tollywood-based. So there might be a chance of making it a bi-lingual as well. Gopichand Malineni will be the third director after Atlee to work with a lead Actor in Bollywood recently. On the other hand, Tamil Director, A.R. Murgugadoss has also started working on his Sikandar starring Salman Khan.