Shankar’s directorial Indian 2 is getting ready for the release. The film is an official sequel of Indian and also stars Kamal Haasan playing titular role. The film was originally a single part film but got changed in the middle. Shankar planned one more part in the series, Indian 3. Indian 3 release details are also announced now.
Shankar said that there would be no much gap in the release between Indian 2 and Indian 3. Indian 3 shoot part has been completed mostly so it will arrive 6 months after the release of Indian 2. S.J. Suryah yesterday in the pre-release event of Bharateeyudu 2 appealed to people to make Indian 2 a big success. The release details of Indian 3 will be revealed in Indian 2’s success meet as per the sources.
Shankar is also known to be planning for Game Changer’s release in between these two films. The film stars Ram Charan in the lead role with Shankar making his debut in Telugu. So Game Changer may find a release date during the Chirstmas season as per the rumours as well. Indian 2 is all geared up now with release scheduled on July 12th worldwide in all main languages.