Indian 2, sequel of yesteryear blockbuster, Indian ended up as a big disaster at the box office. The film brought heavy trolling on both Shankar and Kamal Haasan for a low quality output. The team and cast of the film behaved as if the film would meet the expectations but got misfired. Now the main question is, How will Shankar respond to the bad result of Indian 2.
Shankar has filmed Indian 2 for more than 3 years. It was even kept under the wraps for months due to issues between him and Lyca Productions before Red Giant Movies had taken it up. He then made a plan of dividing the film into two parts, following the current trend. But this has spoiled the film’s output completely. Now, Shankar also has Game Changer starring Ram Charan in the release line up besides Indian 3. It has to be seen how the director would respond to the questions of Indian 2’s debacle and future of Indian 3 during Game Changer’s press meets. He will definitely be blamed for making the film into two parts. It’s going to be very embarrassing for Shankar to talk about Indian 2 and its result.
All eyes are now on the prospects of Indian 3. If Game Changer becomes a hit, then Shankar may find it easy for Indian 3. But if Game Changer disappoints, then it would be big trouble for Shankar. It’s really sad to see Shankar going through this phase.