The most awaited trailer of Indian 2 has been released today. The film stars Kamal Haasan and Siddharth in the lead roles. Directed by Maverick Shankar, the film is a sequel to yesteryear Blockbuster, Indian, also released as Bharateeyudu in Telugu. The trailer showcased Siddarth fighting for a cause and Kamal Haasan too joining the fight in his own style. The trailer made it a Siddharth and Kamal Haasan’s show all the way.
The film follows the style of Vikram narration where the character of Kamal Haasan would be entering during the Interval period. Till then it is Siddharth who starts the fight against the corruption and irregularities in the sytem. We may even see it is Siddharth who wants to contact Senapathy, portrayed by Kamal Haasan in the film to bring him back to India.
Kamal Haasan’s look is shocking with long hair. We see him even fighting with goons with his trademark Marmakala techniques. The BGM scored by Anirudh Ravichander too felt good and the cinematography looked fine. Rakul Preet Singh is also seen playing a pivotal role alongside Priya Bhavani Shankar. The film will release in all the Indian languages on July 12th as confirmed in the trailer as well.