Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan is directed by Maverick Director, Shankar. The film as known is an official sequel to yesteryear blockbuster, Indian. The film has completed its shoot and is all set for release next month i.e., July 12th. The songs of the film have already released and made a good impact as well. The trailer of the film is also locked and will be released tomorrow. Along with this, Indian 2’s runtime and story plot details are as follows:
Indian 2 also releasing as Bharateeyudu 2 in Telugu, is said to begin with Siddarth’s fight against the corruption and Senapathy, Kamal Haasan’s character will return from Hong Kong to India to fight against corruption and injustice during the interval part. The film is said to be having a runtime of 175 minutes, i.e., 2 hours and 55 minutes. So, this will be a long duration film just short of 3 hours.
A grand event is planned tomorrow for the unveiling of the trailer in all Indian languages in Mumbai. The film will also be releasing as Hindustani 2 in Hindi. The film will also be followed with one more part, already titled, Indian 3. Indian 3 will have the same cast and may release next year.