Titled Bharateeyudu-2 in Telugu, Indian-2 (2024) is a vigilant thriller film directed by Shankar Shanmugham. A sequel to Indian (1996), it features Kamal Hassan reprising his role as ‘Senapathy’. Released on July 12th of this year, the film was a colossal failure, to say the least.
But what’s noteworthy is that the first installment, Indian (1996), in its Tamil version, is still trending in the Netlfix Top-10 despite many new releases. Considering this, experts believe that the sequel, Indian-2, has the potential to score big figures if delivered right.
However, Shankar has completely failed to impress audiences with the second installment. This can be touted as a classic example of a filmmaker wasting a huge opportunity. It must be seen how Indian-3 will fare at the ticket window.