Recently released Malayalam film, Manjummel Boys became an Industry hit in Mollywood by grossing more than 200 crores worldwide. Manjummel Boys centered around a Tamil film, Gunaa and its song composed by Ilaiyaraaja. However, Ilaiyaraaja took an objection to this claiming that the song was used without his permission and went to the court. No Ilaiyaraaja gets his victory over Manjummel Boys and gets 60 lakhs into the pocket as compensation.
Manjummel Boys deals with resucing a guy who falls into a cave which became famous with Tamil film, Gunaa. The team wanted to cash in on the popularity of Gunaa and used a hit song from the film, Kanmani Anbodu composed by Ilaiyaraaja. But it looks they didn’t take the rights of the song properly. The film released and became a big hit. This angered Ilaiyaraaja who immediately went to court and sought compensation for using his song.
The Music Director initially demanded a whopping 2 crores as compensation. But after multiple discussions, the amount was reduced to 60 Lakhs which the team of Manjummel Boys should pay. It is learned that the team has paid the amount to Ilaiyaraaja. It could have been good if they had brought the rights before to avoid paying this hefty amount.