Music Maestro, Ilaiyaraaja has condemned the rumours of his mistreatment in a Temple in Tamil Nadu. He said that few people have been spreading these rumours of an insult happened to him and also added saying that he wouldn’t comprise on any personal mistreatment done. He also appealed fans and public not to believe in these rumours.
A video originated on social media claiming that Ilaiyaraaja was insulted by not being allowed an entry in a Temple when he made a visit there. The video became viral instantly and several people have shared it wrongly as well highlighting that an insult was orchestrated by the priests on the Maestro. But with Ilaiyaraaja now condemning these, it became clear that nothing wrong had happened there and it was just a plain rumour.
Ilaiyaraaja has tweeted on his official X/Twitter handle regarding this incident. Netizens now feel happy for the Music Director himself putting a rest to these baseless rumours. The Music Director is currently busy in carrying a concert scheduled in London.