A shocking incident occurred today with Nayanthara going in an online fight with Dhanush. The Actress mocked the Actor for not granting broadcast permission of her film, Nanum Rowdy Dhaan, which was produced by him, for her wedding documentary. She also went on to state he demanded a whopping 10 crores from her side if she wants to have rights on this matter which she took objection to. But Netizens now also criticised the Actress for putting in many conditions to the Producers of her film terming her also being commercial.
Netizens are feeling that Nayanthara is no different from Dhanush for also being stubborn and arrogant. As we all know, Nayanthara doesn’t promote her films through interviews or by attending the pre-release or Audio launch events. But she has started doing these for the films produced by her production house, Rowdy Pictures. Bringing these out, they felt that she didn’t help the Producers all the time.
If Dhanush hasn’t agreed for this, what was the need of mocking him publicly when u can fight legally is the question that arised from the majority section of netizens. They also pointed out that the wedding documentary of Nayanthara was given for Netflix as part of money making. They felt that she could have put that on YouTube instead allowing all to watch for free. This way they felt that she made her wedding and this documentary a commercial project.
Nayanthara’s plan of pulling down Dhanush has badly misfired now with many pulling out these observations. They also wanted her to state why he demanded this amount as she probably knows the exact reason. Netizens are also waiting to see if Dhanush replies to this officially. Let’s wait and see what happens on this issue.