Acting trainer Satyanand has mentored some of the biggest names in Tollywood such as Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, and Prabhas has come up with great accolades for an upcoming hero. Speaking at the pre-release event of Pedha Kaapu 1, the acting guru said that he sensed some similarities between Prabhas and hero Virat Karrna.
“On meeting Virat for the first time, I got the same feeling as I had when Prabhas came to my home for the first time,” Satyanand said. “I spoke to Prabhas earlier today and told him about this and Prabhas wished the movie and Virat all the best,” added Satyanand at the pre-release event of the film.
Apart from the above names, Satyanand has also been instrumental in shaping the acting skills of Sharwanand, Aadhi Pinnisetty, Sai Dharam Tej, and Varun Tej among several others.
Meanwhile, Pedda Kapu is directed by Srikanth Addala who has already surprised many with the film’s trailer. His raw and energetic filmmaking has been appreciated by many. Slated to release on September 29th, Pedda Kapu also stars Brigida Saga, Eswari Rao, Tanikella Bharani, Rao Ramesh, and Srikanth Addala himself in key roles.