The release of Bheemla Nayak has charged both the ruling and opposition parties in Andhra Pradesh. The YCP unit on one hand is busy declaring the movie as a flop and is continuing its own propaganda. On the other hand, this Pawan Kalyan and Rana starrer has got complete support from the TDP side. On the day of its release, the film received great support from TDP President Chandrababu Naidu and his son Nara Lokesh.
The father-son duo tweeted in support of the film and Pawan Kalyan. They lashed out at Jaganmohan Reddy for his ticket pricing policies that were causing major damage to the industry.
Now Lokesh has once again spoken in support of the film and has made a rather controversial statement as well. A journalist asked him the reason behind the support for Pawan Kalyan’s film and why he never made such statements for an NTR film. Lokesh was also asked if there was any political jealousy behind his lack of appreciation for NTR movies.
“I appreciate only the movies that I like. If I don’t like something, I won’t tweet about it to avoid any controversy. This is why I spoke about Bheemla Nayak,” said the MLC. This has made people speculate if the former IT Minister is indirectly expressing his dislike for many recent Jr NTR films.