In a joint operation conducted by the Hyderabad Police and the Narcotics Bureau, a total of eight Nigerians, including the son of a film producer and former MP, were arrested by Hyderabad Police. The City Police Commissioner CV Anand held a press conference and spoke to the media. In this regard, he expressed his anger over the recently released film Baby. “Baby has shown scenes of how drugs can be used in the film, and we appeal to the film industry not to show such things in films”. He said that notices will be issued to the team of Baby and from now on, every film will be monitored by the police regarding scenes related to drugs.
According to the Police, when they were on a raid in a fresh living apartment, the accused were doing almost exactly like the scenes in the film, they were having a party similar to the scenes in the film, baby as per CV Anand.
He said that such scenes were put up in the movies and shown directly without even putting a caution. He said that he will now give a notice to the producer of ‘Baby’ and henceforth the police will focus on all the films, and if they find that if there are such scenes, they will not be spared and they have even explained the objectionable scenes of the film Baby.
From now on, there will be a police surveillance on every film, he said. In the film Baby, Vaishnavi Chaitanya’s friend character Sita, is shown as drinking ganja, a hookah, etc. to make the heroine get used to the posh culture. It was also shown that all the friends were partying together with having drugs.
Released on July 14th, Baby became a blockbuster hit. Director Sai Rajesh has made the film with bold content. Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya acted in the lead roles, while Viraj has done a key role. Vaishnavi Chaitanya became an overnight star with this film.
Baby was produced by SKN and the film is currently streaming on Aha Video. It remains to be seen how the film unit will react to commissioner CV Anand’s comments on the objectionable scenes in the film, Baby.