Radhe Shyam starring Prabhas and Pooja Hegde released on March 11 yesterday in all Indian languages. The film has managed to get a mixed talk. The film has opened big on Day 1 and managed to collect 24cr+ in AP/TS and around 35 crs+ share worldwide for Telugu version. But Radhe Shyam has shocked entire Tollywood which is planning to make Pan-Indian films. The film has managed to collect around 6.5 crs gross on the opening day in the Hindi market which is not good. The film didn’t do well even in Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada too. This is a huge shock to Prabhas.
Now all eyes are on RRR which is also projected as a Pan-Indian film after Radhe Shyam. RRR has been sold for a record price in other languages also. The film was at 42 cr around in Tamil Nadu including P &P the movie needs to collect 80+cr gross for breakeven. The makers are also releasing the film on their own in Hindi market and are expecting a minimum of 250 cr nett. To score these numbers makers have to do lot of promotions now to create a huge buzz among the audience. The film is about to release in two weeks. There is also an event in Dubai.
Bahubali which was released with no hype became a blockbuster because of it’s universal appeal and larger than life story. Not even Rajamouli or Prabhas expected such a craze or hit coming out of Bahubali. Wanting to repeat the same magic with each and every film of theirs is a mistake. Bahubali was based solely on the story and kingdom based concept. But expecting the same success for films like RRR and Radhe Shyam is not good. Let’s wait and see what happens.