‘Prime Show Entertainment’ is a production house of Telugu cinema, solely owned by K. Niranjan Reddy. It is best known for bankrolling the superhero flick Hanuman (2024). Written and directed by Prashanth Varma, it featured Teja Sajja and Amrita Aiyer in lead roles.
Releasing in January this year, the film was a major commercial success in Telugu and Hindi. Even on the streaming platforms, it received high praise for the theme, vfx, and performances. Following this, the production house bagged the rights to release Manjummel Boys in Telugu.
Needless to say, this was a profitable venture. Their next venture, Krishnamma (2024), a film starring Satyadev in the lead role, was a failure, but the losses it brought were quite minimal. Their next production Darling (2024) was also box-office bomb but its non-theatrical business saved the day. However, they faced a major setback with Puri Jagannadh’s Double Ismart (2024).
Prime Show Entertainment bought this Ram Pothineni-starrer’s theatrical rights for a whopping INR 54 crore, and the film, which hit the screens last Friday, is struggling to get over the double-digit share mark. The film is a huge disaster for the buyers! It must be seen how the company will tackle this situation.