Director Sudipto Sen’s directorial, The Kerala Story, hit the screens on last weekend amid massive controversy. On its release, the film surprisingly received poor reviews from the Bollywood critics, but the film seems to have impressed the audience, as it is proved by the good start it got at the box office. However, the movie has shown phenomenal and unreal consistency at the Box Office.
There is no doubt that the film is performing Extraordinarily in North India by collecting 81 Crores Net in its first week, but in South India the audience are not interested to watch this film. In Kerala itself, the film has collected less than 50 laks in the 1st week, which is almost the closing figure for the film. The Kerala audience has given a big blow to the movie. Such low numbers are because the film was not screened properly and shows were cancelled on the first day itself. Even in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, the film was banned.
Starring Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani and Sonia Balani, The Kerala Story was earlier officially described as the story of more than 32,000 Kerala women who have been allegedly been radicalized by Islamic fundamentalists. However, the number was changed to three from 32,000 after protests spread online stating that misinformation was being spread by the makers.
The Kerala Story movie revolves around Shalini Unnikrishnan (Adah Sharma), Nimah (Yogita Bihani), and Siddhi Idnani (Geetanjali), who share their room with Asifa (Sonia Balani) in a nursing college in Kasargod, Kerala. Asifa, who is an aide to ISIS, how indoctrinates and brainwashes the three girls and converts them to Islam and what happens to them is the main crux of the movie.