Fighter, the high-octane aerial action film starring Hrithik Roshan and directed by Siddharth Anand soared high on Republic Day weekend, raking in a massive ₹115 crore, with republic day hitting a phenomenal ₹41 crore. However, weekdays saw a sharp decline, indicating a weak hold in mass centers compared to urban audiences. By the first extended week’s end, the film collected a decent but underwhelming ₹140 crore.
Surprisingly, the second weekend offered a glimmer of hope with fighter collections jumping to ₹10 crore and ₹11.5 crore on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Unfortunately, that momentum fizzled out on the second Monday, plummeting to a mere ₹3 crore. While Tuesday showed stable collections, the total 13-day net domestic box office stands at ₹172 crore, decent but not great for a film of its scale.
Current estimates, given the trend, predict a final haul of Fighter Collections within the ₹200-220 crore range, falling short of initial expectations of exceeding ₹500 crore. Was the lack of mass appeal due to the film’s content, marketing, or overall execution? Industry analysts are closely watching Fighter’s trajectory to understand its long-term implications and the evolving preferences of the Indian audience.