Recently released Malayalam film, Manjummel Boys created a sensation. It went on to gross 200 crores and became the Industry hit of Mollywood officially. The film also attracted other language audiences with its performance in Malayalam language. Likewise, it released in both Tamil and Telugu languages afterwards. Now, Disney+Hotstar has officially announced Manjummel Boys’ streaming date and languages.
Manjummel Boys will officially stream on May 5th in all languages. Disney+Hotstar released a video about the same also. The audience can watch the film in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, and Kannada as well. Manjummel Boys performed stunningly in both Tamil and Telugu languages apart from its original version, Malayalam. The film grossed more than 60 crores in Tamil beating Suriya’s highest grosser there. It also collected more than 10 crores gross in Telugu version worldwide.
Malayalam Industry is riding very high with Manjummel Boys, Premalu, and The Goat Life. Recently released Fahadh Faasil starrer, Aavesham too achieved a unanimous positive talk and is on its way to grossing 100 crores worldwide. If the film pulls off this record, Malayalam Industry will become the industry to have 4 back-to-back 100 crore grossers in months gap. This is an amazing achievement for any Industry.