RX100 actress Payal Rajput came up with Disco Raja in January but this film didn’t manage to do well at the box-office. In her lockdown period, she completed a short-film titled Writer directed by Saurabh which will be released soon.
The latest news is that Payal signed a web series in which she will be seen in a bold avatar. This Telugu adult content series will be streamed on the Aha platform. Allu Aravind who is struggling to make his platform reach more people has now exciting content on it till now. He has deployed few high heads from TFI as content creators to make and release it on Aha. Currently, Payal Rajput is working for a Tamil project Angel and a Telugu project 5Ws in which she plays a character of lady cop directed by Pradeep Thakore. Its release is scheduled on 21st November but maybe pushed further as the shooting is delayed. Let’s hope Payal succeeds with her digital debut.