Actor Adivi Sesh said that his upcoming film, Hit movie series is like Universe. Hit: The Second Case is a film starring him and Meenakshi Chaudhary produced by Nani under his production house Wall Poster Cinema. The prequel Hit: The First Case was also produced by him starring Vishwak Sen released in 2020. Adivi Sesh was roped in to play the lead role in the sequel. The shoot for the film has alredy started and the first look was also released.
Adivi Sesh interacted with Ali in his talk show, Ali Tho Saradaga on ETV as part of promotions for his upcoming film, Major. Major is produced by Mahesh Babu under his GMB Entertainments Banner. He talked about Hit movie and said that Nani and the team are planning to make the movie into a universe like Marvel Universe. He also told that different police officers come in every film. Adivi Sesh even officially confirmed about the third part of Hit movie. He revealed that he knows about the hero of the film but wouldn’t tell it. Coming to Major, the film’s trailer has struck well by garnering more than 15 Million Views in a week. Major is slated for release on 3rd June this year.