‘HIT-2’, starring Adivi Sesh as KD aka Krishna Dev, is directed by Dr Sailesh Kolanu. Produced by Prashanti Tipirneni, the film is coming to theatres on December 2. The film was supposed to release much earlier but it got postponed due to the delay at the time of shooting.
In the past the HIT team said that soon the film’s promotional activities will be kicked off with the release of a teaser. Since then the movie lovers are waiting for the update from HIT-2.
Now the most awaited update is here for the lovers of HIT franchise and Adivi Sesh. The update is related to the teaser announcement and the team has announced in an unique way.
The director Sailesh Kolanu featured in a video byte explaining about the HIT-VERSE (multiple films in HIT franchise) and given the clarification that why Vishwak Sen is not in this Sequel project.
Along with that, Adivi Sesh and Sailesh Kolanu revealed that the teaser of this HIT 2 (Hit The 2nd Case) will release on November 3 officially. The director promised that the content and the thrilling factors are more in this second part when compared the to the Hit – The First Case. He also informed that this time the violence also will be a notch higher.
Prashanti Tipirneni is the producer of this franchise. The original background score is composed by John Stewart Eduri and the music tracks have been composed by MM Sree Lekha, Suresh Bobbili. This movie is releasing worldwide on December 2 and Natural Star Nani is presenting this movie.
Sunil Rodrigues, Venkat, Naba, and Real Sathish have choreographed the action sequences. Meenakshi Chaudhary, Rao Ramesh, Bhanu Chandar, and others are part of the cast.