HomeMovie NewsHistoric 15th-century temple turns grand setting for Radhe Shyam

Historic 15th-century temple turns grand setting for Radhe Shyam

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Prabhas’ Radhe Shyam made on a grand budget concluded its shoot across exotic locations around the world. The film’s final schedule was shot at a 15th Cen­tury tem­ple at Gandikota in Jam­mala­madugu, Andhra Pradesh.

The her­itage tem­ple was built dur­ing the Kr­ish­nade­varaya era. Since the ro­man­tic en­ter­tainer pe­riod drama, the mak­ers felt us­ing this shrine as a shoot­ing lo­ca­tion would give the right feel to the scenes.

“I had been to this place long back. In June, when we went on a recce for suit­able lo­ca­tions for our tem­ple scenes, I thought this tem­ple would be ideal, given its her­itage set­ting,” ex­plains the Na­tional Award-win­ning pro­duc­tion de­signer Ravin­der Reddy.

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“We were specif­i­cally look­ing for a tem­ple built en­tirely in stone and this fit the bill,” he says, ad­ding, “The tem­ple scenes are cru­cial and drive the nar­ra­tive.”

“We had to build the nav­a­graha, homam place, court­yard, and dance hall. Fi­bre and wood were used. All the ma­te­rial was trans­ported from Hy­der­abad in 12 trucks,” says Ravin­der. Ac­ces­sories for the in­te­rior of the tem­ple, like lamps and rudrak­shas, were brought from Ba­naras.

Around 1,000 Veda Pan­dits were re­port­edly brought from var­i­ous tem­ples and Vedic uni­ver­si­ties for this sched­ule. “We have Agho­ras too,” he says, ad­ding that shoot­ing sched­ule at the tem­ple lasted a week. “We got all the spir­i­tual vibes and it was truly an emo­tional mo­ment. We spent around three years on the film, and I am glad that it ended on a spiritual note.

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