The Delhi High Court has ordered the filmmakers of ‘Jailer’ to alter scenes where a shooter wore a Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) jersey. As per the direction of the Delhi High Court, the scenes need to be altered or changed by the 1st of September, and none of the theaters should exhibit RCB’s jersey.
The order says “With effect from 1st September 2023, in the theatrical depiction of the film Jailer the RCB team jersey shall stand edited/altered. The Defendants shall ensure that after 1st September 2023, none of the theaters would exhibit the RCB jersey in any form whatsoever. Insofar as television, satellite or any OTT platform is concerned, prior to the release thereof, the altered version of the film shall be broadcasted/telecasted.”
The IPL-based team filed a complaint with the court and expressed concerns about the use of the RCB Jersey in scenes that were portrayed negatively. According to the movie, a hired killer is seen wearing the jersey and talking bad about a female character in the movie.
So, the Royal Challengers Bangalore claimed that the usage of the jersey in the movie has been depicted negatively and that permission from the team was not taken by the makers before usage of the jersey. According to RCB, the negative usage has been used to hinder its brand image.