There will be no early morning shows in Telangana. The Telangana High Court has given an unexpected shock to Telugu Producers. The HC took a sensational decision regarding the benefit shows of the film. The Telangana High Court stated that benefit shows will not be allowed in the future. The High Court took this decision after hearing a petition filed in the High Court regarding the hike in the prices of movie tickets and special benefit shows.
The counsel appearing for the government, while presenting his arguments, brought to the notice of the court that the government had canceled the permissions granted to increase the prices of movie tickets during Sankranthi, for movies like Game Changer. After hearing the arguments of the government, the high court bench also heard the arguments of the petitioner. The Telugu Cinema fans will be disappointed to know that there will be no early morning shows in Telangana.
The court directed everyone to follow the Cinematograph Act and posted the matter for further hearing on February 21. With the new order of the High Court, the upcoming Telugu movies will not have a hike in ticket rates and benefit shows in Telangana.