The upcoming Telugu film Hidimbha, starring Ashwin Babu in the lead role, is all set to be released in theaters on July 20, 2023. The film stars Nandita Swetha as the female lead, and it is directed by Aneel Kanneganti. The makers of Hidimbha have arranged early premiers this evening on selected screens in the Telugu states. Now the talk and report from the premiers for the film has come out positive.
The team has screened early premiers today in a few selected screens in Telugu states and the film has opened with a superb response. The report from the premiers is that the film is said to be made as a perfect crime thriller with a good first half and a solid second half. The twists and turns are also excellent, along with an excellent background score, which is significant for this kind of films.
The team of Hidimbha is very confident about the film’s output and this positive talk from the early premiers will definitely help the movie’s buzz a lot.
Hidimbha is produced by Gangapatnam Sridhar of Sri Vignesh Karthik Cinemas and presented by Anil Sunkara of AK Entertainments. The music for the movie is composed by Vikas Badisa.