Tollywood hero Sharwanand met with a road accident on Saturday night. It is said that the black Range Rover car in which he was travelling had lost control at the Film Nagar junction. Sharwanand sustained minor injuries in the incident. Those who were present at the time of the accident took him to the hospital.
After getting to know about the accident, the family members of Sharwanand rushed to the hospital and inquired about his health condition. On the other hand, the car was also taken away from the spot. Fans and netizens are worried about Sharwa ‘s health and wishing him a speedy recovery.
Sharwanand’s car was taken away by his family members from the accident spot. Because a Range Rover car, it did not suffer major injuries due to the presence of safety features. However, more details about the incident are awaited.
Sharwanand’s wedding is going to take place on June 2 and 3 in a grand way. Sharwanand had announced his marriage with Rakshitha Reddy, daughter of Telangana High Court advocate Madhusudhan Reddy. According to reports, Rakshitha is currently staying in Hyderabad and working. Sharwanand and Rakshitha Reddy had planned a destination wedding when the engagement took place in January. Leela Palace in Rajasthan was chosen for the grand wedding. Sharwanand and Rakshitha Reddy’s wedding will take place on June 2 and 3. The mehndi, sangeet and haldi functions have been planned in a grand manner.