While everyone in the Telugu film industry was so happy and celebrating the historic win of Allu Arjun, who became the first Tollywood star to bag the National Award for Best Actor for the film Pushpa, at the 69th National Film Awards, Nani expressed his disappointment over Suriya’s sociopolitical film Jai Bhim being snubbed.
Nani took to his Instagram stories and wrote, “Jai Bhim,” along with a heartbreak emoji. While many have lined up with Nani to support Jai Bhim, some Telugu fans have been disappointed by Dasara’s actor not celebrating the victory of Allu Arjun.
At a recent SIIMA 2023 event, Rana Daggubati was one of the guests who reacted to the controversy over the national awards. The audience was able to interact with the Baahubali actor during the event. Rana was asked by a journalist why Nani criticized Allu Arjun for winning the National Award. She asked, “Is it due to competition?” Rana said, “Each one is entitled to his opinion. I like different kinds of movies, you like something else. It is the same with the artistes. If a film that one loves a lot doesn’t win, that makes him sad. That’s it. This does not mean that he is disappointed that someone else won the award. There is never any controversy. It was merely a tweet. There is no controversy among us” he said.
After the journalist was dissatisfied with Rana’s response and continued the discussion, the actor stated that her opinion on the incident was based on her assumption and not factual.
Although Jai Bhim and Sarpatta Parambarai were critically acclaimed Tamil films in 2022, they did not win any awards at the National Film Awards, creating many doubts about the procedure. Tamil film fans went on Twitter to criticize the jury for dismissing the Tamil and Malayalam film industries.