The unfortunate leak of Sarkaru Vaari Paata’s ‘Kalavathi’ song has left fans and makers shocked and upset. Among those most affected and heartbroken in SS Thaman. The ace music director shared a voice note on Twitter and said he was ‘Heartbroken’.
The leak has broken our hearts and upset me in a massive way. The technicians, my composing and mixing team, the lyric writers, the editors every one put in their sweat and blood into it. They have been working day and night over the last six months for this output. Some unit members even contracted Covid during the song shoot and for someone to insult the hardwork of the entire team by leaking it is upsetting me.,” said Thaman.
The usually silent and reserved Thaman shared around 4 minutes of audio clips expressing his feelings on the issue. The song was scheduled to release on Valentine’s day and was leaked a couple of days ago. A case has been booked against a couple of unit members from the direction department.
Post the leak, the makers are getting another lyrical ready and will release the music video today at 4:05 PM.