Director Harish Shankar has confirmed his next movie with hero Ram. Ram’s next movie with director Lingu Swamy named “The Warriorr” is all set to hit the theaters very soon. In the eve of this, the movie team has arranged an event and Harish Shankar was the guest here.
Harish Shankar has previously done various good movies that has garnered him quite some popularity among the audience. Right now, he is doing a movie with none other than Pawan Kalyan. This movie is titled as Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh. This is the second time Harish Shankar is working with Pawan Kalyan.
Their previous project was Gabbar Singh which went onto become a super hit. He praised Ram Pothineni in the event and has mentioned that he wants to do a movie with Ram. I don’t know when but I am going to do a movie with Ram very soon.
Ram Pothineni is busy with the promotions of his movie The Warriorr. Krithi Shetty is the lead actress in this film and we can see Ram as a fierce cop. Lingu Swamy is directing this movie and is produced by Srinivasa Silver Screen. Devi Sri Prasad is the music director of this movie.
The movie is going to hit theatres on 14th July.