Mr. Bachchan film directed by Harish Shankar released today. The film starring Ravi Teja in the lead role secured mostly negative reviews and word of mouth from the audience. Netizens have started trolling the director and lead actor for doing this film already. But, the team conducted a success meet on the opening day itself where Harish Shankar blamed dance choreographer, Sekhar Master for a reason.
One particular still from Sitar song got leaked online after the film’s release and it stirred a controversy for its objectionable depiction. A reporter questioned Harish Shankar about the explicity of the pose in the song. The Director then blamed dance choreographer of the song, Sekhar Master for executing that particular movement. He said that he had felt discomfort while picturising that but went ahead not to disturb Sekhar Master’s flow.
However, this sounded too foolish. If Harish Shankar didn’t want to disturb the dance choreographer he could have later chopped the movement citing an objection. But the team chose to retain it only to create publicity for the film. The whole song had so many objectionable movements and intimacy between Ravi Teja and Bhagyashree. So Harish Shankar feeling bad only about this particular one sounds very childish. The team and Ravi Teja are also getting trolled for over explicit scenes in the film throughout.