Pawan Kalyan’s much-anticipated historical epic ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’ has faced several hurdles since its announcement years ago. From budget constraints and shooting delays to changes in direction, the film’s journey has been tumultuous.
Despite these challenges, the makers recently locked March 27, 2025, as its release date. However, recent developments suggest that this date might shift yet again.
Interestingly, another major Pawan Kalyan project, ‘OG,’ is now rumored to claim the same release date. Initially, the makers of ‘OG’ planned for an earlier release, but due to unforeseen production delays, it seems the film could directly compete with ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu.’ Neither film has completed shooting, making this situation heavily dependent on how Pawan Kalyan allocates his dates in the coming months.
The decision-making process will likely revolve around strategic planning to avoid two major films featuring the same actor clashing at the box office. Industry insiders speculate that if ‘OG’ finishes production first, it could take precedence, pushing ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’ further down the calendar. This uncertainty has left fans eagerly awaiting official confirmation from both teams.
As both films carry high expectations, it is crucial for the makers to finalize release strategies carefully to maximize box office potential while avoiding unnecessary overlaps. The coming weeks will provide more clarity on this intriguing release date shuffle.