Pawan Kalyan will enter the pan-India league with Hari Hara Veera Mallu. While the film’s announcement some years ago had filled fans with great optimism and excitement, the same buzz has been slowly dying with each passing day. The makers released a teaser yesterday and this was the first update that saw the light in a long time.
The film has been announced as two part movie and it has been officially announced that director Jyothi Krishna will replacing Krish for the next part. This will impact the movie’s business potential as Krish has some brand and the Jyothi Krishna does not have any reputation as a director of a big-league movie.
Due to this last-minute change, buyers may not come forward for the film and show as much interest as they showed when Krish was part of the project. Even the teaser looks ordinary and there is no exciting factor in it.
Apart from the issues with the director’s brand image, the film’s pending shoot and budget extension have also created a problem for the makers. It needs to be seen when Hari Hara Veera Mallu completes its shoot and gets ready for release.