Hanuman is unlikely to reach Kantara and Pushpa in the Hindi markets. The latest Indian superhero film, HanuMan, was released in theaters worldwide, became a massive blockbuster at the box office, and broke many records. However, the film cannot reach the expectations in the Northern region. Hanuman is unlikely to reach Kantara and Pushpa in the Hindi markets.
The expectations for Hanuman in Hindi were huge even before the release. The film opened with a decent number of 2Cr+ Net. As the movie received unanimous positive reviews from audiences, everyone expected the film would do 100Cr+ Net in Hindi markets and thought it would break Pushpa and Baahubali Part 1, but it seems tough.
The film is definitely holding very well in Hindi, but it is not taking bigger jumps, which is much needed for the film to reach 100Cr. Until now, the movie has collected 36Cr Net in Hindi. Kantara’s closing is at 85Cr Net, and Pushpa is close to 110Cr Net. Baahubali is around 120Cr Net.
Going to the range of numbers mentioned above seems tough for HanuMan now, as Hrithik Roshan’s Fighter is also getting released this weekend. Fighter WOM will also affect the run of HanuMan’s Hindi version.
The Hindi trade expects around 55 – 60Cr range closing for Hanuman, less than Kantara and Pushpa. We must wait to see whether the film will settle there only or, with the help of the long run, it will beat movies like Kantara and Pushpa.