Reviews and word of mouth are key for Hanuman as the makers are taking the biggest risk. It is widely known that the upcoming pan-Indian film, HANU MAN, is getting released on January 12th, and the makers have arranged paid premieres for tomorrow evening. The response to the shows is fantastic. The Reviews and Word of Mouth are Key for Hanuman as the makers are taking the biggest risk by having paid premieres.
Paid Premieres can be proven as a risky thing for Hanuman
Paid premieres will have both sides of it. For example, if a film opens with positive WOM and reviews, it will have a significant advantage on the opening day and in the long run. However, if the movie begins with negative WOM, it will significantly impact the film’s result at the box office.
Lately, many films have had positive and negative impacts because of their premieres. So, the Producers should be careful with this strategy.
So Hanuman has two risks now. One thing is they are not going for limited premiers and have opted for a maximum number of premiere shows. The film will have first and second shows being screened in all stations, so it is a release day for the movie in all territories.
Hanuman movie must get positive talk from Paid Premieres
It is widely known that on the next day, Superstar Mahesh Babu’s film will be released. If Hanuman opens with positive talk, there would be no risk for the movie as it will have a solid opening because of the good buzz. If word of mouth becomes mixed or divided, it will get heavily impacted as a biggie is released the next day. Also, two more films will be released in the next two days.
The first film coming into the competition must take positive talk and reviews to be strong in the race. Hanuman makers are taking that risk with confidence in the content. The team is very confident about the output. If word of mouth comes positive, Hanuman will work big even if Guntur Kaaram and other movies open with positive talk.