Hanuman Premieres box office report is out and the Pan Indian film has a Sensational start. It is widely known that the Superhero concept-based film, Hanuman, starring Teja Sajja in the lead role and directed by Prashanth Varma, had paid premieres yesterday evening and the shows saw a stunning response. Hanuman Premieres box office report is out and the Pan Indian film has a Sensational start.
Hanuman makers take a risk with Paid Premieres
The audience appreciate a film if the content is good, and they will not bother if it is a big budget or small-scale film. There were a few comments like Why is Teja Sajja competing with the films of star heroes this Sankranthi? It is true that some people in the trade circles have commented on this. However Young hero Teja Sajja and director Prasanth Varma have boldly brought their ‘Hanuman’ to theaters for Sankranthi with confidence in content, and their confidence had worked big time.
In Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana, the Paid premiere shows for Hanuman have been arranged since the last night before the release in the two Telugu states. The shows have started at 6.15 PM yesterday.
Hanuman Premieres register record occupancies
Hanuman opens with record occupancies for premieres. The most of the shows registered house fulls or almost fulls. The makers screened premieres in all stations, which worked so huge for the film. Surely, it is a terrific start at the box office.
The makers of Hanuman are expecting 3Cr Gross range start in Nizam and a 6CR Gross is being expected all over India, which is a sensational start for the film.