Fans of the superhero Telugu film “HanuMan” were left disappointed when it wasn’t available for streaming on Zee5 on March 8th as initially reported. There were also no official updates from the platform regarding the release in other South Indian languages.
Here’s the good news for Hindi audiences! The wait is over as official confirmation has arrived for both the television premiere and OTT streaming date. “HanuMan” will have its World Television Premiere on Colors Cineplex on March 16th at 8 PM and will be available to stream on the same date on Jio Cinema.
However, South Indian audiences will need to hold on a bit longer. There’s no official update yet from Zee5 regarding the streaming date for the Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada versions.
“HanuMan,” starring Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Vinay Rai, has garnered interest with its superhero theme and is planned for a 3D extended version release in multiple languages, including English and international languages like Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese.