Hansika Motwani made her debut in tollywood with Puri Jagannadh and Allu Arjun’s Desamuduru. The milky beauty then acted in many telugu and tamil films. She also acted in one kannada and Hindi film too. Hansika had commercial hits in Telugu and Tamil. She is doing tamil and telugu films continuously. Now with the change in trend the actress is ready to make her debut in OTT series.Hansika is making her OTT debut through a tamil web series titled ”MY3”. It is a unique robotic love story directed by M Rajesh. This rom-com will stream in Disney+ Hotstar.
Talking about the series, Hansika says “It’s an honour to be a part of this series. It’s a sweet and delightful moment to be working with director M Rajesh. I am excited to be collaborating with him after our movie Oru Kal Oru Kannadi.Being My first web-series, I am excited and eager to be working with powerhouse talents like Mugen and Shanthanu. This series will be a 100 per cent laugh-riot for the audience. Get ready to witness a unique and one-of-its-kind rom-com from director Rajesh.”The talented actress also had few films and series in line next. Let’s wish her all the best for her digital debut.