Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram advance bookings have started opening in all overseas locations from yesterday. Some locations opened their bookings a few days back however, full-fledged advance bookings started today. The distributors are continuously adding the shows and the bookings are off to an excellent start.
In North America, the advance sales for premieres crossed $150K and starting today a big jump from premiers is expected day by day. The USA distributor has stated that its a blockbuster start.
The bookings have opened on a strong note in Australia and other countries as well. Guntur Kaaram is expected to start with a minimum of 25Cr from overseas on opening day. It might even go bigger than this. Both Mahesh Babu and Trivikram are very big stars at the overseas box office and Guntur Kaaram will certainly be off to a blockbuster start. And if the trailer manages to impress the audience, then sky is the limit.