Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram has faced several hurdles in recent times. From the frequent shooting stoppages to changes in the cast and crew, this film has seen it all. These unexpected roadblocks have frustrated the fans to no end, as they are now concerned if the film will even complete its shooting and be ready by Sankranti 2024. It is very well known to everyone that the birthday of Mahesh is on August 9th, so the fans they would get to see another teaser or any special video from the film, but it is being reported that the team of Guntur Kaaram has no big plans for Mahesh Babu’s birthday.
As the film’s teaser/glimpse was already released on Superstar Krishna Garu’s Birth Anniversary and the release date of Guntur Kaaram is so far, the team does not want to release another teaser on Mahesh Babu’s Birthday, and they do not have any big plans for that day. As of now, there is also no chance to release the 1st single of the film because , as per the reports still the music director Thaman did not deliver any song.
Moreover, the dilemma on the music director of the film getting changed is still there, as the unit of Guntur Kaaram did not make any official announcement in this regard. It is said that the discussions are still happening. So as of now the team is in plans to release only a poster on Mahesh Babu’s birthday.
Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, Guntur Kaaram marks the third collaboration between him and Superstar Mahesh Babu after Athadu and Khaleja. The project is being produced under the Haarika and Hassine Creations banner and is slated to be released on January 13th.
Pooja’s ouster from the movie has now opened the door for Meenakshi Choudhury. Sreeleela, who will be sharing the screen with Mahesh for the first time along with Meenakshi.