Guntur Kaaram Marks a Strong Comeback for Mahesh Babu as an Actor. Mahesh Babu is undoubtedly one of the finest actors in Tollywood but recently, he has done subtle roles and movies continuously. Though he gave good performances, doing the same kind of roles resulted in a lot of criticism from other fans and audiences. However, Guntur Kaaram Marks a Strong Comeback for Mahesh Babu as an Actor.
As said above, doing the same kind of characters affected the image of Superstar Mahesh Babu recently. Even own fans also wanted Mahesh to do an energetic role to get out of the subtle messages.
Trivikram showed Mahesh Babu in two of his best avatars in his career, with Athadu and Khaleja. Now again with Guntur Kaaram he does the same. Yes, the film’s story and other departments have some complaints, but acting wise it is a strong comeback from Mahesh Babu.
100 out 100 people are saying that Mahesh Babu has given 200% effort for the film, and it is definitely one of the best performances in his career. Be it the Slang, Comedy, Action, Dances and emotional scenes everywhere the Dookudu Actor has excelled. Many feel that only because of Mahesh Babu’s performance the movie, Guntur Kaaram has become a watchable one despite having all drawbacks and as a star also he is pulling the audiences to the theaters in a large number despite all the negativity surrounding the film.