Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram was released in theaters for Sankranti and opened with below-par word of mouth and reviews. Despite these obstacles, the film managed to collect more than 180Cr gross worldwide and collected close to 115Cr share, including GST. Excluding GST also, the film crossed the Rs 100 crore share mark making the film Mahesh Babu’s 5th consecutive 100 crore share film.
The film was a great testament of Mahesh’s superstardom and his box office. Pull. The film managed to do well on its digital premiere on Netflix. It was recently premiered on Television and was well received by the audience.
After the rise of OTT the satellite market has crashed completely. Recently many blockbusters or hit films also failed to deliver a minimum 6-7 ratings. Guntur Kaaram which opened with unfavourable wom and reviews did well at the Box office and trended on top positions on Netflix not only in Telugu but Tamil and Hindi also.
And now, it has performed well on its Television premiere as well. The World Television Premiere of Guntur Kaaram on Gemini TV registered 9.23 TRP in urban and 8.31 TRP in U+R markets, marking a successful premiere.