Macho Star Gopichand’s previous film, Rama banam made was a big failure at the box office. Made on a massive budget the film, and the result sparked differences between director Sriwass and Gopichand as the budget went overboard, and the film ended up as a big failure. Now he is collaborating with Sreenu Vaitla, and the film was recently launched. Now, as per the reports, Gopichand is taking another big risk with this film as it is being made with a hefty budget.
Normally, it is common for Sreenu Vaitla films’ to go over budget to some extent. His previous films were made with huge sets and foreign locations. Now even for Gopichand’s film also he is said to have putting a big budget. If Sreenu Vaitla gives a comeback then definitely any budget can work, but for that to happen, the promotional content of the film is very crucial for the producer to do good business and get profits as well.
The new film of Gopichand and Sreenu Vaitla was officially launched recently. Director K Raghavendra Rao, producers Naveen Yerneni and TG Vishwa Prasad graced the Pooja. The film will be bankrolled under Chitralayam Studios banner.
Sreenu Vaitla’s bad time started with Aagadu. Starring Mahesh Babu in the lead role, the film turned out to be a disaster. Afterward, he made Bruce Lee, Mister, and Amar Akbar Anthony. Due to these failures, he took a break from films for nearly four years. We hope that the once king of entertainment will make a great comeback and provide a much-needed boost to himself and Gopichand.