Macho star Gopichand, whose recent film Rama Banam became a big failure at the box office, is collaborating with renowned Kannada filmmaker A Harsha for his 31st film. The movie will be produced by KK Radhamohan as Production No 14 on his Sri Sathya Sai Arts banner.
The Pooja ceremony was officially held recently at the film desk in the presence of the team. The producer states that the director has prepared a powerful scenario to present Gopichand in a new avatar. The shoot of the movie is scheduled to begin this month. The official update and more details about the project will be out on June 12th.
A Harsha, who delivered many blockbuster films in Kannada is making his debut in the Telugu Film Industry with this movie. He reportedly came up with a massive action entertainer packed with a good dose of family emotions and other elements. This kind of stories perfectly suit Gopichand, and we wish that this action hero gets to deliver a solid hit at the box office.
The movie will have top-rated technicians working. While Swamy J is the cinematographer, Ravi Basrur of KGF fame will be providing the music. Ramana Vanka is the production designer for the film.