Aha Video, the first Telugu OTT streaming platform, launched Arha Media and Broadcasting Private Limited in 2020. The application received massive viewership in a short span, and in 2022, the Tamil app was launched.
Recently, rumors started about Allu Aravind’s plans to sell the platform. The discussions are said to have been initiated with Sony and some other companies. Despite high viewership, aha video is said to be unable to generate profits due to the high production costs and rights associated with movies and other content.Now, for the past 2–3 days, the users have been unable to download Aha videos as the Google Play Store removed the application from the Play Store.
The issue is said to be a fee violation issue. Google is said to have increased the fee a few years ago. But some of the applications are said to have not made the payments according to Google policies, even though they provided enough time. With this, Google removes many apps from the Play Store. Aha is one of the applications in it.
The users have had a bad experience with the application for the past two to three days. The Aha video team said that we were sorting out the issues two days ago, but there was no resolution yet.