Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi, the sequel to the big hit Geethanjali released recently. But the film didn’t repeat the success of its prequel. Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi mostly retained the same cast but not the success. Now, the film is about to test its luck on the OTT platform.
Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi is arriving early on the OTT within three weeks of its release. The film will premiere on May 8th i.e., tomorrow on Aha Video. This has been confirmed through the official X account of the OTT platform. The tweet said, “Akka nv malli vachavaaa ..! Sare Aha lo Kaluddam.”
The sequel was released almost after a decade. There is no room for a sequel creation as well but the makers wanted to do it again. The promotional content of the film too didn’t excite the audience. However, Some films even after becoming flops in the theatres perform well on the OTT platforms. Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi may have the chance as there are no perfect films in the theatres now. The film stars Anjali and Srinivasa Reddy in the lead roles directed by Shiva Thurlapati. Kona Venkat who earlier worked on the prequel acted as one of the writers for the film as well.