Varun Tej’s latest film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna, directed by Praveen Sattaru, was released in theaters this Friday. It has been reported that the movie was produced with the biggest budget in Varun Tej’s career, but unfortunately, it turned out to be unsuccessful. The film was received with a negative response from everyone, and it marked the worst opening in Varun Tej’s career. Now it is likely to end up below Ghani’s opening day number, which was Varun Tej’s previous film.
Ghani is the biggest disaster in Varun Tej’s career before as the film opened with 2.5Cr range opening, and it was the poor opening for him and now shockingly Gandeevadhari Arjun opened with even disastrous numbers as the opening day share was less than 1Cr and the movie completely crashed today. The film is likely to close below Ghani opening day, which tells what kind of disaster the film has become.
Pre-release hype plays a crucial role in the success of any film nowadays. Especially if it is a different concept film and tier 2 heros’ film, then it should gather as much as craze because that will help the box office prospects of the film. If a film fails to do so, it will be extremely difficult for it to succeed in the box office. Varun Tej’s latest film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna, has been affected by the same problem.
The film is directed by Praveen Sattaru and features Sakshi Vaidya as the female lead and Vinay Rai as the antagonist. The ensemble cast is made up of Nazar, Roshini Prakash, Manish Chaudhari, Abhinav Gomatam, Ravi Varma, Kalpalatha, and Baby Vedain. The movie, which is produced by Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, has its music composed by Mickey J Meyer.