Ram Charan’s and Shankar’s Game Changer was the most anticipated film when it was announced almost 3 years ago. The film’s grand launch was attended by stars from Tollywood, Kollywood, and stars from Bollywood. However, with so many delays and lack of any update for the longest period has led to the buzz almost dying. Apart from mega fans, there are not many who are eagerly waiting for the project and the main reason for that is poor promotions.
So far, in the last two years, only two major updates from the movie have come out. One was the title reveal and the other was the ‘Jaragandi’ song. Jaragandi song has failed to deliver on expectations. Thaman’s tunes and Prabhu Deva’s choreography were both heavily criticized by everyone.
Shankar and his team are continuously failing to create buzz. They recently failed with Indian 2, which clearly showed in the openings. Even after the disastrous result of Indian 2, Shankar and co. have not learned from their mistakes.
Even for Kiara Advan’s birthday poster, the team reused the same ‘Jaragandi’ song image. This has led to many fans questioning the Sri Venkateswara Creations and Shankar if that was the best they could think of and why they didn’t release a new poster wishing the actress. Game Changer is the only movie that is slated for a release this year with no teaser so far.